May 17, 2024 Open Lab Notes


Digital Accessibility is Everyone’s Responsibility

The required digital accessibility assessment is for all WSU employees who create or publish digital content, such as email, documents, multimedia, and websites, are responsible for ensuring it is accessible and provides an inclusive experience.

What We Are Working on

Web Design System

  • Banner image with Boxed Style: Danial fixed the missing H1 issue. He added a toggle for an ARIA label (but that still needs a little work. )
  • Quicklinks/Search Links: Links in the Quicklinks/Search sidebar got a little makeover. There is no wonky line hover issue anymore and the underlines are now white.

New @

New @ Digital Accessibility

  • Check Assessment Status: You can submit an inquiry to find out if you’ve taken the assessment and your score.
  • Guide: Social Media: Learn about the accessibility considerations and best practices for improving the accessibility of social media posts.

Glitch List

Submit a web support ticket to Report a Bug/Issue if you find a glitch.


  • W3C unveils 174 new outcomes for WCAG 3.0: It is still a long way off until it is offically a reccomendation (2028? 2030?) but W3C’s latest update on WCAG 3.0 has 174 new outcomes. Don’t Panic! Not all 174 outcomes will make it to the final reccomendation.