Moving into the Web Design System

Ready to Move From the Spine Theme to the Web Design System?

These presentations cover the Web Design System, Blocks, Accessibility, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Each training helps you update your website from the Spine theme to WDS.

Ready to Move into WDS?

Request a new website with a web support ticket to update to the web design system.

Switching to the Web Design System

You Will Learn

  • How to update a WordPress website to the WDS
  • Choosing between cloning the existing website or starting fresh
  • Common issues to watch out for during the switch to the WDS
  • Plugins to activate and deactivate

CAHNRS Websites

CAHNRS websites using the Ignite theme should contact CAHNRS Web Support to clone your website. CAHNRS Web Team has a different converter specifically for their Ignite theme.

Mechanics of Building with Blocks

You will learn

  • Converting to blocks
  • Building new pages

Related Links

Digital Accessibility

You will learn

  • Digital Accessibility & Core Concepts
  • Checking the webpage for accessibility errors and using WAVE

Related Links

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics

You will learn

  • SEO Basics
  • Optimization of headings, files, images, and URLs

Related Document

SEO 101 Checklist (pdf)

SEMRush (search for keywords)