May 18 | Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023

The 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is May 18, 2023. This is 24 hours of events from in-person to virtual events around the world. The day is meant to inform and educate people on making sites accessible.

This post will be updated with events or activities to participate in for Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

GAAD Virtual Events in the US

Current offerings of virtual events in the US.

May 16

9:00 AM

Why is Web Accessibility Important? Accessibility ends with “y”. But it also needs to begin with “why”. Just as important as having the right accessibility techniques is knowing why accessibility is important.

11:00 AM

Developers’ Guide to Getting Started with Accessibility Testing: A free webinar for developers of all experience levels to learn how to do a lot of good, using free accessibility testing tools.

May 17

8:30 AM

Business of Accessibility – Expert Panel: TPGi is bringing together an expert panel of top accessibility experts to discuss how businesses benefit from creating accessible experiences, the return on accessibility efforts, the current state of accessibility and much more!

May 18

9:00 AM

Supporting A Technical and Cultural Shift To Accessibility, Whatever Your Resources: Join TPGi to learn how you can start small and steady, and build up to making a profound shift towards embedding accessibility in your organization, both in terms of technical process and—most importantly—becoming part of the culture of your teams. What changes can people in different roles make right now to get the ball rolling? How can you keep that ball rolling with minimal resources?

Accessibility Awareness and Foundations Webinar (3-hour event): Celebrate this year’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day by attending Deque’s three-hour virtual training event. You’ll learn what digital accessibility is, why it’s important, how people with disabilities navigate the web, and how you can champion accessibility to make a difference in your organization today.

11:00 AM

What Accessibility Means to Me: Join Monsido experts Megan Lach and Eva Bergara as we dive deep into the end-user experience. Communities are diverse, and as municipalities, its crucial online content is accessible to all. Eva is blind and uses a screen reader to assist her everyday engineering work. It’s valuable to understand accessibility from all user standpoints. This webinar is an insightful opportunity to learn from people who use accessibility software daily and discuss how website compliance can improve overall engagement with local governments.

USWDS Monthly Call: Real-world accessibility: Join us as we observe Global Accessibility Awareness Day and talk about the real-world experience of blind users on the web.