Week of Dec. 4, 2023

Open Lab

Join us at any time during Open Lab hours.

Date: Dec 8, 2023
Time: 9:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Location: Virtual | Zoom (Zoom meeting link)

Bring your questions, problems, glitches, show & tell (share what you’ve been working on), or just listen in.
All are welcome to attend.

Open Labs for 2023

These are the Open Lab dates for the rest of 2023.

  • December: 15

Open Lab Notes

  • Aug. 23, 2024 Open Lab Notes Updates, tutorials, and resources from Aug 23, 2024 Open Lab, including WSU Mutlisite Info, User Roles, Document Revision.
  • Aug 16, 2024 Open Lab Notes Updates, tutorials, and resources from Aug 16, 2024 Open Lab, including People List block and Beta Directory.


  • Accessibility Assessment, User Roles, and Login Procedures Plans for updating web support tickets to include accessibility responsibilities and assessment requirement, accessibility roles within WordPress, and using the OKTA login with the Accessibility Assessment status.
  • Moving Your Website into the Web Design System (WDS) We offering a series of presentations covering the Web Design System, Blocks, Accessibility, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These 1-hour trainings will help you update your website from the Spine theme to WDS. These trainings will be recorded and posted on our website afterward.
  • May 18 | Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023 The 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is May 18, 2023. Many companies and government entities offer webinars on a day meant to inform and educate people on making sites accessible.