Track Missing Webpages (Page Not Found)

The following instructions for a quick report or an explore report will aid you in identifying and fixing Page Not Found/404 pages on your website using your Google Analytics account.

Need Access to Google Analytics?

  1. Link your WSU Email with a Google Account
  2. Submit a web support  ticket to request access to Google Analytics.

What is a Page Not Found/404 page?

A Page Not Found/404 error occurs when a web server cannot find a web page at the provided URL.

This can happen if:

  • The wrong page URL was used, e.g., it contains a typo
  • The resource was deleted and it’s no longer available on the server 
  • The website owner has changed the URL (web address) to the resource
  • The website was misconfigured and the server can’t find the resource

Quick Report for Page Not Found

  1. In Reports, drill down to Pages and Screens under Engagement.
    Reports > Engagement > Pages and screens
  2. Use Page title and screen name and Page path and screen class
    At the top of the table, make sure Page title and screen name is listed. Use the drop-down arrow to select if Page title and screen name is not selected. For the second dimension, use the drop-down list to search for the Page path and screen class.
  3. In the search field above the table add Page not Found
    In the empty field, you’ll want to add the full-page title.
    “Page not found | [your website name] | Washington State University”
    Example: Page not found | Web Communication | Washington State University
The page title and screen class table with the search bar above the table with the page title and page path dimensions selected.

GA4 Explore Report

How to identify and fix Page Not Found/404 pages

Screenshot of listed GA4 accounts listed on the Dashboard login page.
  1. Login in to your Google Analytics account
  2. Select your preferred GA4 account from the dropdown menu located in the top ribbon of your dashboard page
  3. Go to the Explore option in left hand menu
GA4 report menu, red square around Explore option.
  1. Select Blank/New report
Different GA4 document options, red square around blank report.
  1. Enter a title for your report under Exploration Name.
  2. Go down to the Dimensions and select the plus icon (+)
  1. Type in the search bar and select all the following dimensions:
    1. Event name
    2. Page path and screen class
    3. Page title
    4. Page referrer
    5. Select Import
  2. Go to the metrics section and select the plus icon (+)
  3. Type in the search bar and select Event count in the search bar
  4. Select Import
Variables setting options and sections.
  1. Go to the settings section of the report
  2. Under Rows select the +Drop or select dimensions
  3. Select Page path and screen class and page referrer
Rows settings showing: page path and screen class, page referrer, and +Drop or select dimension.
  1. Go to the Values section
  2. Select +Drop or select metric
  3. Select Event count
Values setting showing: Event count and +Drop or select metric.
  1. Go to the Filters section. You will create two separate filters.
    1. For the first filter, select +Drop or select dimension or metric
      1. Select Event Name
      2. Under conditions*, select exactly matches
      3. In the Enter Expression box, select page_view, then select apply
    2. For the second filter, select +Drop or select dimension or metric
      1. Select Page title
      2. Under Conditions*, select contains
      3. In the Enter Expression box, select page_view Page Not Found, then select Apply
Filter 1 setting, showing event name, exactly matches, and page_view.
Filter 2 setting, showing conditions as contains and Page not found.
  1. Sharing the report (shares with anyone who has access to the GA4 account, but the only thing they’ll be able to change is the date range) or Export the data in Google Sheets, TSV, CSV, PDF, and/or PDF (all tabs).
Download and sharing options for GA4 report.

Additional Resources