Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps help search engines index the website with its generated XML sitemap.

Activating the plugin without additional changes to the XML-Sitemap page will generate the XML sitemap for search engines.

Customizing XML-Sitemap

XML-Sitemap is located under Settings.

Basic Options

No changes are necessary.

Additional Pages

No changes are necessary unless pages and files are housed outside the website. AWS (amazon) linked images and documents are not considered outside the website.

Post Priority

Select Do not use automatic priority calculation if the website does not allow comments.

Sitemap Content

Under WordPress standard content select Include homepage, Include posts, and Include static pages. Under Further options select Include the last modification time.

Use at your discretion. Select other content types used on the website.

Excluded Items

Use at your discretion. Excluding items may be helpful for categories no longer used on the website.

Change Frequencies

Optional: Change the frequency depending on the page types used on the website.


Optional: Similar to frequency, change the priorities on the page types used on the website.