Week of August 5, 2024

Open Lab

Join us at any time during Open Lab hours.

Date: August 9, 2024
Time: 9:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Location: Virtual | Zoom (Zoom meeting link)

Bring your questions, problems, glitches, show & tell (share what you’ve been working on), or just listen in.
All are welcome to attend.

Open Labs for August 2024

  • August 9
  • August 16
  • August 23

Open Lab Notes

  • Sept. 13, 2024 Open Lab Notes Notes from Sept 13, 2024 Open Lab: Here We Go campaign plus two new project websites, new member to the Web Team, WordPress Accessibility Day Open Lab, Decorator block webpage, plus CAHNRS Web Team YouTube Channel
  • Aug. 23, 2024 Open Lab Notes Updates, tutorials, and resources from Aug 23, 2024 Open Lab, including WSU Mutlisite Info, User Roles, Document Revision.


  • WordPress Accessibility Day Open Lab Join us Oct 10, 2024 for a WordPress Accessibility Day Open Lab. We will have an extra open lab specifically for accessibility and WordPress. Bring your WordPress-related digital accessibility questions and problems or listen to the conversation around WordPress and accessibility.
  • Accessibility Assessment, User Roles, and Login Procedures Plans for updating web support tickets to include accessibility responsibilities and assessment requirement, accessibility roles within WordPress, and using the OKTA login with the Accessibility Assessment status.
  • Migration to AWS Server The progress of moving our WordPress networks to the AWS server from spring 2024 until early summer 2024.