Gravity Forms

Sensitive & Protected Data and FERPA

Important: Qualtrics is the only tool available for gathering sensitive & protected data. This includes information protected under FERPA.
WSU: WSU FERPA – Rights and Privacy (Directory Information) & FERPA Training
U.S. Department of Education: Protecting Student Privacy: FERPA

Transaction Form? Collecting Money?

If you need to collect money electronically, please read this information about transactional forms.

Form Settings

Changing these settings for each form helps with usability, accessibility, and spam.

  • Description Placement: Under Form Layout change Desciption Placement to Above inputs.
    This improves the usability of the field descriptions on the form.
  • Required Field Indicator: Under Form Layout for the Required Field Indicator select Text: (Required).
    This improves the accessibility of the required indicator. See Accessibility below for more.
  • Anti-spam honeypot: Under Form Options for Anti-spam honeypot select toggle to Check.
    This will help reduce the amount of spam received. It will not block all spam.


Ensure the from email address is a WSU email address. There will be issues with sending and receiving emails if the email address is not

Note: {admin_email} refers to the Administration Email Address found on General Settings located under Settings.

Add Form to a Page

Important: Enable AJAX

Select the Enable AJAX option to ON in the Advanced Panel for the Gravity Form.
Confirmations and changes between pages will happen without the page reloading.
(Why? Leaving the form open in a browser will not resubmit the form when visiting the page again.)

Getting an Error loading Block Message?

Select the Preview option to OFF in the Advanced Panel for the Gravity Form.
The preview option available with Gravity Forms has a bit of a conflict with some attributes. You can remove this error message by turning the Preview toggle OFF. The display will change to the list of Gravity Forms and the form selected for this block.


Gravity Forms provides information about accessibility with forms. They provide a list of Form Fields to Avoid as well as more Form Settings to consider.

Byte Size Tutorial

Hidden Field in Gravity Forms

We used the hidden field on feedback forms to get the referral URL (previous page viewed before the Feedback form page).
